Love Awakens Their Royal Soul! ♥ Forged In Blood By P.T. Macias

Forged In Blood, Forged In Twilight Paranormal Romance!

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.   .🌺 Blood ~ Dionisie Kozlov

The MC is fuckingtastic.

I have my bros.

I love the lifestyle.

The danger is a thrill.

It’s part of my escape

.It’s my sabbatical.

The MC princess is mine

.My soul feels her.

My heart is hers.

But I can’t.

I’m not for her.

I’m a monster.

I can’t make her my Old Lady.

It doesn’t matter that I love her.

.   .🌺 Wynter War

The MC is in my blood.

The Lifestyle is tough.

I can handle it.

I’m an MC’s princess.

I don’t fight it.

I embrace it.

All I want is to be an Old lady.

I have my sights on a bro.

He wants me.

He fights it.

What’s his problem?

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Forged In Blood, Forged In Twilight Paranormal Romance!

Guardian’s Spell, Royal Demons. Forged In Twilight Paranormal Romance!
Love Awakens Their Royal Soul

For weeks, Blane Pazu, aka the immortal demon king Pazuzu, experienced the increasing pull of his lifemate—he’d felt her for years but suddenly it threatened to tear his insides apart. The timing couldn’t have been worse; he needed to first find his lost amulet to break Lucifer’s curse on his kind and thereby save humanity … so he ignored it.

“This amulet chose you to form a mate-bond with the demon it belongs to. If you fail to find him, humanity will die.”
Zara Santiago came to Sin City five years ago to hide from her past. She should’ve known better than to allow the supposed witch, Madame Hilda, to spout out her fortune. For one, she didn’t believe in anything as frivolous as the mystique world, let alone demons or angels. Therefore, the amulet was set aside in her home and forgotten about … until it started to glow.

The day the black-haired pixie arrived at his gym; Blane knew he was lost. How could he trust a stranger who was asking too many questions and knew exactly what his amulet looked like? Was the evil goddess behind her appearance … or Lucifer himself? Why then, knowing the danger of trusting her held for them all, was it possible that the feisty mortal with the huge blue eyes managed to unleash Blane’s darkest passion?
A Guardian’s Spell had been cast but Blane was left wondering … who wielded the power? Him … or the mortal human?

Editor’s note:
Otherworldly creatures, curses, and pleasures. Guardian’s Spell will keep your eyes wide, your jaw hanging open, and your mind wondering just what doing THAT with a demon king with TWO would be like.

Forged by Twilight Paranormal Romance

Guardian’s Spell, Forged In Twilight Paranormal Romance!